What Font - find font & color

8 Reviews
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Quickly discover font details on any website.
Updated Time
Mar 06 2025
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Workflow & Planning
What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension Information

What is What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension?

What Font is a browser extension that identifies fonts on web pages.

How to use What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension?

Click the WhatFont icon in the top-right corner to activate the extension. Hover over and click on the font to view its details. To exit, select 'Exit WhatFont' from the top-right of the browser.

What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension's Core Features

{ "name": "Font Identification", "description": "Identify font family, style, weight, size, and color on any website." }

What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Designers checking font styles for projects.


Developers identifying typography used on websites.

FAQ from What Font - find font & color Chrome Extension

How does What Font work?

Is What Font free to use?

Analytic of What Font - find font & color chrome extension

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