WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome

1 Reviews
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Chrome web paint tool with advanced features
Updated Time
Aug 27 2024
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension Information

What is WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension?

A web paint tool for Chrome with advanced features

How to use WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension?

Install the Chrome extension and start drawing on web pages

WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension's Core Features

Custom colors

Seamless undo/redo

Easy save & copy

WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Add annotations to web pages


Highlight important information

FAQ from WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome Chrome Extension

Is this tool free to use?

Analytic of WebBrush - Web Paint Tool for Chrome chrome extension

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