Shareaholic for Google Chrome™

921 Reviews
0 Saved
Share and bookmark content effortlessly.
Updated Time
Jul 20 2022
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Social Networking
Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension Information

What is Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension?

A platform for easy content sharing and bookmarking with various social media services.

How to use Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension?

Simply install the AddThis browser extension and start sharing and bookmarking content with just a few clicks.

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension's Core Features

Easy content sharing


Integration with 200+ social media services

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Share an interesting article on Facebook


Bookmark a recipe on Pinterest

FAQ from Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension

How do I install AddThis?

Analytic of Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ chrome extension

Shareaholic for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

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