Send to Google Glass™

13 Reviews
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Send text notes and images to Google Glass™
Updated Time
Nov 17 2013
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Social Networking
Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension Information

What is Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension?

A platform for sending text notes and images to Google Glass™

How to use Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension?

Simply download the Glassware app and connect it to your Google Glass™ device to start sending notes and images

Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension's Core Features

Send text notes

Send images

Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Sending quick reminders


Sharing images instantly

FAQ from Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension

Is Glassware compatible with all Google Glass™ versions?

Analytic of Send to Google Glass™ chrome extension

Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

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Send to Google Glass™ Chrome Extension's Tags