Search all Tabs

61 Reviews
0 Saved
Offline search tool for tab titles and content
Updated Time
Sep 17 2024
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Search all Tabs Chrome Extension Information

What is Search all Tabs Chrome Extension?

A powerful offline indexing and searching tool to find matching terms in tabs' title and content

How to use Search all Tabs Chrome Extension?

Download and install the TabSearch application. Open the app, and it will automatically index all your tabs for offline searching. Enter keywords in the search bar to find matching tabs instantly.

Search all Tabs Chrome Extension's Core Features

Offline indexing

Keyword search

Tab content matching

Search all Tabs Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Quickly locate specific tabs without internet access


Efficiently find relevant tabs based on content


Organize tabs effectively for faster access

FAQ from Search all Tabs Chrome Extension

Is internet connection required for searching tabs?

Analytic of Search all Tabs chrome extension

Search all Tabs Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

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