reflect. - a mindful website blocker

29 Reviews
0 Saved
Encourages mindful browsing
Updated Time
Mar 14 2022
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Workflow & Planning
reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension Information

What is reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension?

A website blocker that prompts users to reflect on their usage habits before accessing blocked sites.

How to use reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension?

Simply set up the list of websites to block and customize reflection messages.

reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension's Core Features

Reflection prompts

Customizable blocklist

reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Limiting social media access


Increasing productivity during work hours

FAQ from reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension

Can I customize the reflection messages?

Analytic of reflect. - a mindful website blocker chrome extension

reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users

reflect. - a mindful website blocker Chrome Extension's Tags