5.3K Reviews
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Transform Facebook with a pony twist!
Updated Time
Sep 04 2018
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Social Networking
Ponyhoof Chrome Extension Information

What is Ponyhoof Chrome Extension?

Turn Facebook into a fun and vibrant pony-themed platform with 20% more excitement!

How to use Ponyhoof Chrome Extension?

Simply install the Ponify extension in your browser and enjoy the magical transformation of Facebook into a pony paradise.

Ponyhoof Chrome Extension's Core Features

Pony-themed profiles

Cute pony stickers and emojis

Custom pony backgrounds

Ponyhoof Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Connect with friends in a colorful pony universe


Share posts with adorable pony reactions

FAQ from Ponyhoof Chrome Extension

Can I revert Facebook to its original look after using Ponify?

Analytic of Ponyhoof chrome extension

Ponyhoof Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users