Is it WebGPU?

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Detects WebGPU on websites
Updated Time
Oct 14 2023
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Developer Tools
Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension Information

What is Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension?

Browser extension for detecting WebGPU usage on web pages

How to use Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension?

Install the extension and navigate to a webpage to see if it's using WebGPU

Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension's Core Features

Real-time detection of WebGPU usage

Browser compatibility with major browsers

Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Checking if a website is utilizing WebGPU for enhanced graphics


Identifying performance improvements through WebGPU integration

FAQ from Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension

How accurate is the WebGPU detection?

Analytic of Is it WebGPU? chrome extension

Is it WebGPU? Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

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