GLaunch - Panel

11 Reviews
0 Saved
Chrome extension for quick Google service access.
Updated Time
Nov 05 2021
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Workflow & Planning
GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension Information

What is GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension?

GLaunch is a Chrome extension that provides a quick access panel to Google services.

How to use GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension?

Install the GLaunch extension from the Chrome Web Store, then use the key binding (CTRL + SHIFT + Y) to open the service panel and start typing the service name.

GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension's Core Features

Quick search for Google Services

Real-time filtering as you type

Accessibility outside of Chrome

Supports key binding

GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Easily access Google Drive, Docs, Sheets without navigating through menus.

FAQ from GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension

What happened to Chrome Apps?

How do I access GLaunch?

Analytic of GLaunch - Panel chrome extension

GLaunch - Panel Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users