Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep)

232 Reviews
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DeFi services hub
Updated Time
Jan 26 2025
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension Information

What is Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension?

An all-in-one DeFi platform offering wallet, swap, NFT trading, DApp interaction, and more.

How to use Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension?

Create an account, connect your wallet, explore various DeFi services, and start trading or interacting with DApps.

Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension's Core Features

Wallet management

Swap feature

NFT trading

DApp interaction

Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Trade cryptocurrencies on the decentralized exchange


Participate in NFT auctions


Interact with decentralized applications

FAQ from Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension

How secure is the platform?

Analytic of Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) chrome extension

Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users

Bitget Wallet (Formerly BitKeep) Chrome Extension's Tags