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Website showing red laptop for local, black tree for web access.
Updated Time
Nov 24 2020
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Developer Tools
Am I Home Chrome Extension Information

What is Am I Home Chrome Extension?

AmIHome is a website that displays a red laptop icon for local access and a black tree for web access, along with the site's IP address.

How to use Am I Home Chrome Extension?

Simply visit the website to view the icons and IP address.

Am I Home Chrome Extension's Core Features

Distinct icons for local and web access

Display of site's IP address

Am I Home Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Identifying local access vs web access


Checking the site's IP address

FAQ from Am I Home Chrome Extension

What do the icons signify?

Analytic of Am I Home chrome extension

Am I Home Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users

Am I Home Chrome Extension's Tags