
1.3K Reviews
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Receive messages from native apps.
Updated Time
May 22 2024
Installed Users:
Browser Extension
Just for Fun
遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension Information

What is 遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension?

A platform to receive messages from native applications.

How to use 遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension?

1. Register on NativeMessage. 2. Follow the integration guide. 3. Start receiving messages from native apps.

遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension's Core Features

Message reception from native apps

Real-time updates

Integration with various platforms

遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension's Use Cases


Receiving notifications from mobile apps


Syncing data with desktop applications

FAQ from 遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension

How can I integrate NativeMessage with my mobile app?

Analytic of 遊戲橘子擴充元件 chrome extension

遊戲橘子擴充元件 Chrome Extension Installed/Active Users

Total Installed/Active Users